
How to maintain Electric Bike in the rainy season?

How to maintain Electric Bike in the rainy season?
2019-09-06 16:18:45 - 8645

Whenever the rainy season comes, people are often scared to move on rainy and flooded roads, especially when using motorbike and electric bike. However, whether you like it or not, you must also drive a few times in the rain. Therefore, the important thing is how to make the e-bike always works well after the rain. Let’s refer to ASAMA’s tips below to find out the best solution!

Choosing quality electric bikes to ensure all-weather

When buying electric bikes, people are often attracted by the beautiful exterior design. However, there are still many other influencing factors that you should not ignore. In there, quality is the most important factor. A quality electric bike not only helps you to use it for a long time but also ensures movement in the rainy season. So, you should consider carefully when deciding to buy. Besides finding out the origin. Let’s choose an e-bike from reputable and experienced companies in the electric bicycle industry.

Checking electric bikes before using

In the rainy season, electric bike often gets wet so the performance of some parts is reduced. In order to prevent any risk, ASAMA recommends that you check your e-bike carefully before using it.

First, you must check the battery to make sure that moving the long-stretch is not interrupted. Although some e-bike still support pedaling, don't waste your energy because of a little negligence.

Next, you should check the brake system if you want to be safe on the road. Because the rain road is slippery, adhesion and friction of the tires are significantly reduced. If the brake system is not accurate and reliable, you may encounter a lot of trouble.

Third, let’s check the wheels to see if they've punctured the tire or have a sharp object plugged in. In addition to being dangerous while driving, sudden breakage of tires will make it difficult to find an electric bike repair shop when it is raining. So, let’s check your e-bike carefully to avoid unwanted situations.

Another part you can't forget is the light system. As everyone knows the visibility of the rainy day is not good, especially at night. So the lighting system becomes more important than ever.

A few tips to drive an electric bike when it rains

On rainy days, you should not drive an e-bike with speed too fast because the road is quite slippery. If you go quickly and brake quickly, the wheels will easily skid, causing an accident.

Besides, you pay attention to stay away from deep water areas. If it is necessary to pass through, select a road surface with a depth of half a wheel to minimize both people and e-bike being wet. Once the engine gets wet, it can lead to many problems, especially when it takes time and money to repair.

In addition, do not drive into pedestrian lanes or places with white stripes. These places are a few millimeters above the ground and relatively slippery, so it is easy to fall. In case of unavoidable, slow down and run through it slowly.

Finally, if you usually have to park your e-bike in places without roofs, don't forget to prepare your e-bike a plastic cover as a way to protect your engine from getting wet during rainy days.

Take care of your bike after rain

After the rain, if not cleaned and cared for promptly, a range of problems may arise. They are not immediately detected but will be a potential danger.

First, you should leave an e-bike in a dry place, use a soft wipe or a tissue to dry the battery. At the same time, you should also dry the plugs, electrical connections. These metal contacts may rust, affecting the ability to transmit electricity or lead to a certain function of the system. When everything is safe, plug in the charger, avoid touching the circuit easily causing explosion.

If you want to wash your e-bike, remove the battery first, spray water from the top, avoid spraying upwards from the bottom, the water will go straight to the transmission. On the other hand, you should use clean water and specialized products for e-bike washes, absolutely do not use strong cleaning chemicals that will make colors fade and wear away the materials.

Electric bike experts also recommend washing the bike more often. Because keeping the bike clean will reduce the possibility of corrosion and avoid oxidation.

Finally, regularly lubricate the parts that often come in contact with the external environment such as chains, slips, brake wires, screws... This will protect the electric bike always look like new.

These are all tips to maintain electric bikes in the rainy season. Hopefully, the article has provided you with lots of useful information. Don't forget to contact us as soon as you need support!

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