
Ride In Joy

2019-08-26 09:18:14 - 7589

Cycling is a form of exercise that is best for the body and be easy to take advantage of it in your daily life. You can use bike to commute, go to school, grocery or even go errands. What is more, riding a bike suits for all ages, physical condition, medical status and meets the demand of body. As well, there are a variety of health and mental benefits.

Improving mental well – being

When riding the bike, we will enjoy everything around us and breathe in and out. It makes us feel relax and less stress, boring. Or when we are under pressure with many problems at the same time, cycling is able to help calm down and balance.

Especially, if your family or friend has chances to travel together by bike on weekend, ensure that it is a fun and happy moment. It allows you to share your feelings and stories facing every day. Besides, it also grows the spirit and the love of relationships.

Furthermore, making these trips help kids in your family that will feel normal in cycling. It becomes their good habit.

Weight – loss

Many people doubt whether cycling has effective weight - loss or not? In fact, riding a bike combines with diet appropriately which is a useful method. It can burn calories, reduce fat at thighs, abdominal and bring slimming, firming body.

Some researches indicate that steady cycling burn about 300 calories per hour.
Cycling is a flexible sport about time as far as the intensity of practice. So you can build a distinct program suitable for yourself.

Preventing from disease and cancer

As other sports, they are good for your health and disease prevention. You just spend 30 minutes per day in order to ride the bike, that the risk of diabetic will reduce 40%. In addition, cycling also raises your heart rate and decreases blood fats. Some people getting a bike as practice think that they should run fast. However, it is a mistake. If you want to improve your health, just choose the intensity and time to exercise appropriately.

Reducing bone pain and arthritis

Aside from swimming, cycling is to do beneficial exercise to bone. If someone has trouble with knee pain and arthritic, riding a bike is a big ideal to regulate and ease tense for joint. Just a few minutes, you also bring a sustainable benefit for elders that have osteoporosis.

Besides, when sitting on a bike, you put the weight of body into the bone. Otherwise, when walking, you put the weight into legs. As Dr. Safran – Norton said: “Resistance activities, such as pushing pedals, pull on the muscles, and then the muscles pull on the bone, which increases bone density." It slows down the osteoporosis process.

Building muscles

Cycling is one of the sports that is encouraged to exercise in order to build muscle. While riding a bike, you will use glutei, abdominal muscles and thigh muscles in calves. Besides, cycling also stimulates other muscles. You use abdominal muscle to balance, straight stand, and use arms, shoulder to control handlebar. Therefore, steady cycling not only burn fats in your body but increase perfect muscles.

Easily and deeply sleep

Have you got trouble to fall asleep? Do you want to sleep early but cannot close your eyes? Just ride a bike 20 – 30 minutes per day, it will make you sleep better at all night. Further, your body works constantly while riding. It is helpful because your body itself will product amount of endorphin – neurotransmitter in the brain has effect on creating positive feelings, enhancing moods. It is also chemical that relieves pain naturally, stress and slow down the aging process.

There are some entry-level Asama bikes model that are suitable for practice and daily life, such as: Mountain bike (Rock, Mountaineer, Ranger 1.0, Ranger 1.2, Tough), Road bike (Solano, Solano Expert T).

Bicycle is a simple vehicle but it brings a variety of valuable benefits. You do not need to be reluctant to pull yourself to the gymnasium, you just ride a bike to company, school or around the urban that help to get fit. As always, Asama bike along with you improves your health.